Water: The Essential Nutrient

Water: The Essential Nutrient

Written by: Nick Jenkins, DVM, MS Outside of oxygen, water is the most vital nutrient to life.Reduction of water intake causes reduced feed intake and production.Poor water quality can impact water intake, as well as supply unhealthy levels of minerals.Each dairy and...
Milking for Components

Milking for Components

KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Higher butterfat and protein production will bulk up your milk check.Feed for higher butterfat by maintaining a consistent rumen environment that does not cause drops in rumen pH.Increase milk protein production through...
Subclinical Hypocalcemia: Rethinking an old problem

Subclinical Hypocalcemia: Rethinking an old problem

KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: A reduction of blood calcium after calving is needed to provide negative feedback for the animal and allow for the metabolic changes that will maintain blood calcium levels during lactation.Measuring blood calcium at...