Fetal Programming

Fetal Programming

Written by: Fernando Soberon, PHD KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Feed and management practices in early life have a long-term impact on future production Epigenetics, or changes in how DNA is expressed, is the biological link between environment and...
Dairy × Beef Breeding Program

Dairy × Beef Breeding Program

Written by: Dan Illg, PHD, PAS KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Greater focus on cow longevity has decreased the need for replacements, increasing opportunity for dairy×beef production. Dairy genetics may bring desirable characteristics to beef,...
Critical Control Points at Corn Silage Harvest

Critical Control Points at Corn Silage Harvest

Written by: Chad Jenkins, PHD, PAS KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Timing of corn silage harvest should be determined by both whole-plant moisture and milkline Target chop length should be determined and monitored throughout harvest Kernel processing...
ATP Meter and Its Role in Sanitization

ATP Meter and Its Role in Sanitization

Written by: Tevan Brady KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Sanitation of calf feeding systems is essential for healthy calves and preventing spread of disease. An ATP meter may be used to quantify the presence of bacteria buildup on a surface. Critical...
Understanding The Mysteries of Mycotoxins

Understanding The Mysteries of Mycotoxins

Written by: Jason Swallow KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Feeds contaminated with mycotoxins pose a risk to dairy cattle Crop year 2022 corn silage was frequently contaminated with mycotoxins Mycotoxins mitigation begins with good silage management...