Silage Face Management 

Silage Face Management 

Written by: Devin Hanson, PhD KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Safety should always be considered first when working near silage piles  Limiting oxygen exposure is the key to silage stability at feed-out  A clean, vertical face helps to limit exposure...
 Feed Bunk Management in the Dog Days of Summer 

 Feed Bunk Management in the Dog Days of Summer 

Written by: Samantha Reighard, PAS KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Feed bunk cleanout is a necessary component of the feeding routine and promotes dry matter intake  Additional feedings, especially during cooler times of the day, can promote...
The Race To Reduce Methane

The Race To Reduce Methane

Written by: Hanna Matthews KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Methane is produced by cattle in a process called methanogenesis and plays a role in the natural biogenic carbon cycle. Feed additives for methane reduction can be rumen inhibitors or rumen...
Feed Costs Considerations With Lower Milk Revenues

Feed Costs Considerations With Lower Milk Revenues

Written by: Connor Willems KEY TAKEAWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF TECHNICAL TOPICS: Focus on maximizing margin instead of cutting expenses Knowing true cost of forages can help make economical decisions in regard to amount of forage to feed Look for opportunities to supply...